Wednesday 1 June 2011

It's here..

"The color of springtime is in the flowers, the color of winter is in the imagination."

Winter has come. I could sook about the bone chilling cold, the rain, the short days and the guys who grow facial hair as a means of keeping warm. But I won't - I will be a positive beast, and welcome with open arms the following:

Snow. If it's gonna be this freezing, it may as well look nice while it's at it. (No, I'm not expecting it to snow in Melbourne, I understand I will probably have to make the trip to see it) and I can do that if I have enough money. 
And for the money I will need:

A JOB! Praying hard that I can get one ASAP - June 17th is my one and only exam and then it's farewell Centrelink and hello potential homelessness if I can't earn money. So fingers crossed something decent pops up soon! And once I'm earning some cash, I may be able to splurge on such items as:

Winter dresses. Seriously, these are amazing. I stumbled across ModCloth today and was literally furious at myself for not discovering it earlier. Their dresses are some of the best I have seen for a long time. It's such a shame they don't have a shop in Australia - international shipping is so expensive! But point is, with cash, I can maybe buy similar dresses, put on some heels and tights and look moderately attractive while consuming expensive beverages. Cos you know, I'm part of the workforce now.

And finally, what better way to warm up than with a good spoon sesh. (Though just looking at the amount of flesh exposed here makes me uncomfortably cold. If it were me, both parties would be so under that blanket, just sayin'.)

So those are just a few things I look forward to in the next few months. Winter, COME AT ME!



    I have yet to purchase anything from them, though, seeing as how I am a seamstress and generally if I like a design but am not willing to pay for it, I just make it myself. Convenient.

    And it's very interesting to read about your wintry days in Melbourne while here in the States we are experiencing 95-degree days. Oh, silly Earth curvature and hemispherical differences with opposite season schedules!

  2. 'what better way to warm up than with a good spoon sesh'.

    That made me giggle.

  3. agreed about the couple. they are obviously living in the bahamas or something.
    as a fellow melbournite, I am suprised at how not cold it is on this first day of winter.

  4. @ Missy I KNOW RIGHT?! It was so nice today! (Though the nights are freeeezing!)

    @ Charcoal.. you're lucky! Convenient indeed, not to mention you'd be able to make it a perfect fit too.

    @ Nick it made me giggle that you said giggle. Haha

  5. Hahah well I guess that was the idea :)
