Thursday 16 June 2011

Giving up is hard to do.

Recently I have been struck down by horrendous headaches. Not slight aches and twinges,  but that gradually building, absolutely head splitting, "I feel like I drank 2 litres of vodka last night" POUNDING type. I wondered what may have brought this on so suddenly. I put it down to two factors. The first being work - I stare at a screen quite often on a daily basis, I'll admit, but not with the intense concentration and effort that I do when I'm working. Plus my screen is currently rooted with an ugly dark shadow over half of it (very annoying), causing strain to the eyeballs I'm sure.

And then there's the big factor - Pepsi Max. Or should I say, LACK OF.

For the last few months, there's never been a shortage of the beverage dubbed "Smax" in Lawrence Court. I pound the stuff breakfast, noon and night. I live on it. Since I began work I haven't had my usual endless supply of it. It didn't take me long to realise I am having caffeine withdrawals of a severe kind. Even as I type this now I feel hungover. I haven't had alcohol for like 2 weeks.

So I'm gonna give up Smax. It's not healthy to be so dependent on the stuff. I'm weaning myself off (had some  coffee today) but the pain remains for now!

I read something somewhere about Pepsi Max having another addictive ingredient other than caffeine? Just goog'd it quickly, couldn't find it, but if anyone knows anything about this let me know!

I've still got a bit of assignment and an exam to go. So my timing could have been better. Oh well!
I want it so bad...
PS. There's a total lunar eclipse tonight. Good motivation to stay up till 5am doing assignments. I'll post pics if I can get anything decent on the ol' iPhone cam.


  1. Ever thought you might have some sort of intolerance?

    I had the same thing years back and turns out I am intolerant to a few things (although I have a fairly high threshold). But when I eat too much stuff I shouldn't, generally I get the same sort of thing (migraines etc.)

  2. That would make sense, its just that I haven't really made any changes to my diet (except the pepsi max removal). It isn't cool!

  3. No I could imagine...the headaches I used to get were terrible.

    Doesn't seem like that's the issue though...especially if its just starting now

  4. Caffeine withdrawal headaches are the worst!!! exams and studying make it harder, because you neeeeed that coffee to cram in that little bit of extra stuff that will be totally useless after the exam.
    from experience, gradually withdrawing is much better, along with some panadol if it gets too hard (but not two tablets, just one?).
    good luck, many have tried and failed to give up the worst best legal high

  5. Yeah it sucks! I'm about 4 days without now, feeling better today than before, and its my first day with no caffiene whatsoever. Had a couple of coffees the last few days. Getting there!!

  6. Ughh, what other dangerous ingredient is in that pepsi max? Booo! lol

    I hope you're able to give up on that smax thing.

    check out my blog if you'd like. found you on 20sb :)

  7. I really don't believe in diet soft drink of any sort, if you're going to drink soft drink indulge in the near lethal doses of sweetener like the rest of us fattys!

  8. I like the taste of Pepsi Max better! My teeth always feel horrendous after drinking the sugary stuff!
